Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend away - Just what I needed!

So we decided to go away this weekend past. Just what the doctor ordered. Some time out to think of nothing else except the next glass of wine. Oh and when to light the next cigarette. And the occasional thought of whether we should swim again or not. Real brain dead stuff!!! It was fantastic. We were gonna ruff it. So the only way I know best is to go camping. Although now a days camping is almost as luxurious as staying at home. Fancy blow up mattresses, down duvets and winter sheets. Bliss. But I didn’t say I was gonna ruff it to much.
I was left the one morning to cook my own cheese griller on the braai, I felt like a real super hero. I can survive in the wild. All alone in the wild… nah, who the hell am I kidding right – I would go crazy. On Saturday night a cat got into one of the bins outside our tent and I nearly soiled my panties. I was convinced it was some serial killer. I quickly woke A up, it took longer then I thought, and told him that there was someone outside. Then he wants to go outside and check, where men get their bravery is beyond me. I first begged him not to, and then he convinced me that he’d only peek out the tent. I was happy with that. I’m sitting there scared out of my socks, sweat running down my face almost and he shines the torch in the direction of the noise, A then took pleasure in telling me that it was only a cat and told me to have a look. It was such a cute little cat. Stupid thing was nearly the cause of us cutting the weekend short cause A would have rushed me to the nearest hospital for a possible heart attack. Anyway, alls well that ends well. I was safe and my darling A saved the day. We’re home safe and I’ve got the scars to prove that I went. I’m covered in mozzie bites.
Note to self – just because you can cook a cheese griller on the fire doesn’t mean that you’re brave enough to live in the wild on your own.

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