Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a boy!!

Thomas James Meintjes
My beautiful son was born on Monday 7 September 2009 at 13:52 weighing a healthy 3.65kg's. It was such and exciting day but also such a scary one. Knowing that I was gonna be cut open suddenly started freaking me out once I was in hospital. Our lovely anethatist Linda van Zyl came to see me to do the normal checks and stuff, I had the doppler fetal heartbeat and movement monitor on my belly while she was there. She suddenly looked at it and said. Looks like we're doing the C Section on the right day. Looks to me like you're having contractions. I'd said to her that I could feel the weird new pains but I just thought it had something to do with the machine. So when the nurse came in she confirmed that it looked like I was having contractions about 3 - 5 min apart. LOL. It might have been the start of "fake labour", but I like to think that Thomas was ready to come that day, c section or non!! My stay in hospital was eventful. All I can say is far to many drugs people!!! Thomas has taken to the breast like a really little pro. And by doing so he's taken mommy from a B cup to a DD. Yes people DD!!! Had to buy new bra's yesterday, when the lady at woolies measured me I nearly kissed her when she said DD!!! Thomas my boy, I hope you love the breast cause if these are my results then you're staying on it for a really really long time.
I just want to also say Thank you so much to everyone involved - Dr S... You are the most important person. And to all the staff at the Constantiaberg Medi Clinic. Thanks to you too.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My last blog as Nicky

So I can't believe it's finally come to an end!! Boy pregnancy really is long! But tomorrow I will see that it was all worth it. Tomorrow I'm gonna finally become a mommy. 4 years of sadness will come to an end.
So on my last day of being - Nicky and not mommy I did as little as bloody possible.
  1. Woke up at 9am (probably for the last time).
  2. Sat quietly waking up drinking my morning coffee (probably for the last time).
  3. Went to breakfast at Sostanza (Lakeside) and enjoyed a nice quiet breakfast with Alan.
  4. Sterilized a bottle, the dummy and a breast pump just in case Alan needs to bring it to the hospital. This way I'll know that he hasn't melted the breast pump in the sterilizer before I even get to try it out.
  5. Finished off my thank you notes for posting.
  6. Then finally and probably for the last time - I went for a Sunday afternoon nap!!
  7. I repacked my hospital bag - again. But this time for the last time.

While having breakfast at Sostanza I saw Graham there - you remember tight jean crazy boy from Idols. Well I've come to the conclusion I know why he can't sing - his jeans are so damn tight his poor balls won't allow him to!! As I sat watching him I had images of throwing him into a nice warm shower - not to have my way with him - no, to scrub the guy down. He looked like a real skollie who'd forgotten what the shampoo was for!! Idol my ass!

Then just now before I come to post my blog Alan was having his monthly chuck out of crap day, I get asked - do you want this. A simple yes or no will decide the fate of the poor objects future. 1 Black wallet that I'd used sometime A.D. appeared in his hand and just before my lips could start saying No I decided that I'd be nice and keep it for the char. Before giving it to her I obviously had to go through it. I found slips in there from 2007... but the bonus was there was also a R50 note wrapped into some of the slips - I really must stop doing that! Anyway, that just paid for half the pizza that just arrived through my kitchen door.