Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's all for the birds you know!

So my hubby has become a little bit of a birdie. His “boss” is also a birdie and he has loads of knowledge when it comes to different birds and the different noises. He can actually identify a bird just by it’s chirp. Quiet amazing to watch. I’m also sort of taken a little interest in it and I’ve learnt a few things. For example did you know that the first bird to sing in the morning and the last to sing at night is called an Olive Thrush?? Pretty impressive hey. And did you know that you don’t just get Franklins, no no, there are different kinds of Franklins one is called the Natal Franklin, it looks the same as the normal Cape Franklin except it is easily identified by it’s distinctive orange legs! See told you I was also birdie (well I’m trying). He he, well it’s fun. So this weekend we’ve decided to buy a bird bath and feeder for our garden. Can you see it, imagine A and I sitting in the study window with our binoculars, bird book and of course our paper and pencil to write down the bird we’ve just spotted. Okay, it’s not gonna be that bad, but it’s still gonna be fun.

1 comment:

From IF to Adoption! said...

Ooh Nix, I am soo soo a "Bird Nerd" myself!!

You just have to have to buy the Sasol Bird Book, this it's the Newman's one!!! It is soo soo great and Roberts is always a good bet! I have both!!

We sometimes take a drive out or go walking in the botanical gardens to bird!!!

I have a Cardinal Woodpecker just outside my office at work as well as a whole host of Lourie's, Barbets, Weaver's etc,! I just love watching them! Plus we've got Guinea Fowl in the field opp our home (we live on the Melville Koppies)!!

Can't wait to see you next weekend my friend!! Reckon we're going to have a blast!!!!