Friday, October 24, 2008

I’m not sure how many of you believe in the after life and reincarnation and connecting with the other side. Well I’m one of those people who does. Don’t get me wrong, I deeply believe in God and I know that he exists. But I also know that there is more to living then just life and death. I believe that when one dies the soul still exists. It doesn’t just die off with the vessel it was using while here on earth. And I believe that God won’t judge me for believing this. I grew up in a very strict Christian home (more when I lived with my grandparents) and this kid of hocus pocus stuff as they would refer it to would be sure condemn you to an after life in hell. Bull shit I say!!! We are human and God created us to have a mind and to explore all the possibilities out there. Which is why I know that when my dad died it was only the vessel that died and not his soul. I’ve had many conversations with my father through a medium, who just happens to be my mother-in-law. Normally he brings me messages of encouragement and healing and just a general hello, you’re gonna be okay. My mother also comes through occasionally but my father is the one who does most of the communicating. Today I got another message. This time it wasn’t through me father, this time it came from someone really special. It came from my very own Guide. We all have Guides out there watching over us. Some refer to them as guardian angels. We refer to them as Guides. My message was that the reason I’m feeling so frustrated is because I’m not following the path that I need to be for this reincarnation. In this life I’m meant to be exploring my creative side and of late I’ve kinda left it on the back burner. So I ask you, what should I do to encourage my creative side?? Well I’ll tell you… I’m writing a book! Yip, if someone told me 6 years ago that I’d be writing a book I’d laugh at them. I sucked at writing at school and I only ever read a book if it was a set book for school. Most of the set books had movies on them too so I often used to opt for the movie rather then the book. It’s only been since I’ve moved to Cape Town that I’ve started reading, and trust me I’m a really slow reader. My friends T and K often tease me about this as we like to share books every now and then and I take forever to get through one. My friend K eats books for breakfast. I’ve never met such a fast reader in all my life. So my dears that’s what I’m gonna focus on. I probably will never publish the book as my writing skills are much to be desired. But if I do I’ll have to get a ghost writer in to help me. Can you imagine me being a famous book writer – watch out Jodi Picoult here come Nix!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Nix - writing a book? Thats so cool! And your writing doesnt suck, not at all!

I definitely beleive in the afterlife and reincarnation. I was read that where you have a birth mark is how you died in your previous lives. I have a huge one on my back and also one over my eyes which only comes out when I cry. Its so fasinating! Ive also got such a yearning to go to Ireland and my DH always jokes around that it must be because I lived there once! Im so glad that you get to speak to your dad thru a medium, that is really awesome!

PS I hope you are having a better day than Wednesday?