Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a boy!!

Thomas James Meintjes
My beautiful son was born on Monday 7 September 2009 at 13:52 weighing a healthy 3.65kg's. It was such and exciting day but also such a scary one. Knowing that I was gonna be cut open suddenly started freaking me out once I was in hospital. Our lovely anethatist Linda van Zyl came to see me to do the normal checks and stuff, I had the doppler fetal heartbeat and movement monitor on my belly while she was there. She suddenly looked at it and said. Looks like we're doing the C Section on the right day. Looks to me like you're having contractions. I'd said to her that I could feel the weird new pains but I just thought it had something to do with the machine. So when the nurse came in she confirmed that it looked like I was having contractions about 3 - 5 min apart. LOL. It might have been the start of "fake labour", but I like to think that Thomas was ready to come that day, c section or non!! My stay in hospital was eventful. All I can say is far to many drugs people!!! Thomas has taken to the breast like a really little pro. And by doing so he's taken mommy from a B cup to a DD. Yes people DD!!! Had to buy new bra's yesterday, when the lady at woolies measured me I nearly kissed her when she said DD!!! Thomas my boy, I hope you love the breast cause if these are my results then you're staying on it for a really really long time.
I just want to also say Thank you so much to everyone involved - Dr S... You are the most important person. And to all the staff at the Constantiaberg Medi Clinic. Thanks to you too.


Irene said...

Well done Nix!!!! YOU'RE A MOMMY!!! So proud of you and Thomas is beautiful - you are so lucky he has so much hair - none of my children were born with much


Bel said...

Congratulations Nix! I am so happy for you that you have given birth to your healthy happy little man.

He is too gorgeous for words!

kandis said...

Congrats Nix, Alan and Thomas
Nix you are a super star- your little man is amazing just like his parents
i wish you all many many years of happiness and joy- you deserve every single second of this
fyi that DD is just not fair!!!

Unknown said...

What a lovely birth story!

Congrats again Nix!