Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wow, it blows my mind how much my little boy has learnt in the short 6 months he's been here. I love him with all my heart. As you can see he has now started sitting. It's amazing how only a mother can be so proud of such a small thing. I'm so proud of him. I don't think you can ever imagine how much you would love your child till you are actually a mother and you have that little person to show you how to appreciate the simple things in life. Stop and just take it all in. This experiance is something I want ever single person to experiance. It's amazing. So to those mothers out there, enjoy these simple things and just take life slow and live. To those women trying to be mothers and dying to be mothers, don't you ever give up. Take it from me. Giving up is not an option. It's a journey you have to experiance. Thomas my little boy. You will never understand how much I truely love you. One day when you become a father you will understand the love you feel for a child. I'm so proud of you my boy.

1 comment:

Bel said...

Your words are so true! I never understood that love until I had my own child. It goes oh so deep!

Well done on sitting Thomas!