Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So I’ve been told to update my blog. Haven’t done it in ages as I’m just to damn lazy! Now that’s honesty for you.

All’s going well on the pregnancy front. 6 weeks to go till the c section. Can’t wait. Well I can, but I can’t. I still have no nursery furniture, haven’t got a pram, haven’t packed my bags for hospital. Haven’t washed baby’s stuff yet. Nothing nada fokkol!! Talk about leaving things to the last minute. I’m just to damn tired on the weekends. Just wanna sleep. So I do. Maybe this weekend I should start pulling myself towards myself and doing something about it.

Anyway, that’s my update. Hope it was sufficient. Oh by the by. The stunning pic is compliments of Kandis. Thanks bokkie, you’re really good at taking photo’s.


kandis said...

aaah its a pleasure
I have never had so much fun taking photos in my life
I will have to come and do baby's too- otherwise we will have issues

now go pack your bags- wash some clothes, then at least you know its all done and that you can rest and relax

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm glad you updated your blog!

The pics is stunning!

You need to start packing your bags hun, almost time!

Karien said...

If it makes you feel any better: you know that 'nesting phase' everyone swears they have just before baby arrives? NEVER had it, haha! You need your rest, don't even think of feeling guilty about it or explaining it to anyone!